Daymare Cat, troam mention

The Racing of a Mind.

Video games provide me much escapist entertainment. In recent years, I’ve leaned more toward games I can complete in a single sitting, because I never know when I’m going to have another chance to escape again. I just played through this gem that blends puzzle solving, music compilation, and a heroine that resembles what my own avatar might look like.

The best part about this game, though, is not the brief respite from the trials of everyday life. It’s not the meditative quiet of Mateusz Skutnik’s Daymare world. It’s not the challenge or triumph, or even the downloadable prize at the end. (I’m going to have to check out more of Cat Jahnke!) No, the best part is that a friend knows me well enough to think of me as he played it and cares enough to take the time to share it with me. (Yay, Neon and Shy gamer!!!).