Rewolucje 5: Dwa Dni finished

So I took a little break from developing Covert Front 3 (don’t kill me) and went back to the roots – watercolour comics. This one You might remember from almost two years ago, as this comics was drawn in may 2007. Now I finally finished it. Yay.

1. Yes, that’s that non-words comic I was talking before. (No need for translation – clever, eh?);

2. Yes, that’s the one You’ll be able to buy and see for yourself what’s it like to read a comic by the creator of Submachine and Daymaretown (if You care);

3. Yes, that’s that comic book that will be published quite soon. More on this when I’ll have final release date.

Im showing you only first four pages, don’t want to spoil the story. And if you’d like to see these pages in black and white – here’s the place.


and just for the fun of it – here’s a photo of my work space, usually devoted to computers and game development, currently overrun by watercolours: