Submachine 10, notes in Chinese

10 : The Exit

We the King welcome you in Northern Garden docks.
Anyone who seeks peace and calmness will find it under the leaves of our blessed florae.


– We’re in a loop.
– Yes, I know, there are time anomaly leaks everywhere, but we’re not in one right now. Are we?
– No, not horizontal loop. Vertical one.
– What do you mean?
– Look through my microscope. And then through my telescope. You’ll see.

– 我們在一個迴圈中。
– 是的,我知道,到處都有時間扭曲的異常痕跡,但我們目前不在它們之中,沒錯吧?
– 可惜不是,這次不是水平概念的循環,是垂直的。
– 什麼意思?
– 看看我的顯微鏡。再看看這個望遠鏡,你會明白的。


– I’ve found my grave today. A proper tomb, in fact…
– Well, I guess that’s bound to happen sooner or later if you’re a time traveller.
– I’ve also found your tomb, right next to mine.
– Oh, that’s so sweet of them.

– 我今天找到自己的墳墓了。還蠻像樣的,說實在話….
– 嗯,我想身為一個時間旅行者,這種事早晚會發生。
– 我也找到了妳的墳墓,就在我的旁邊。
– 哦,他們真貼心。

– Do you know how many numbers are there between 0 and 1.
– … Infinite?…
– Exactly. There is a countless number of sub-layers between any two main layers of reality. The important thing to remember is that as there are seven main layers, all stable, as all their sub-layers, there is also the eighth layer, known as the layer of light, which is not stable and it can float freely through all other layers. Murtaugh was trapped in the eighth layer once, that’s why he was unable to focus his being on a single layer. Fortunately Elizabeth managed to snap him out of this trap.

– …無限多? …
-完全正確,在兩個主要的象限中,也一樣有著無數層的sub-layer現實。你要記住的是,這世上有7個主要的次元,全都很穩定,而至於在他們之間的那些sub-layer,則被包含在第八象限(或稱光之次元)之中,它並不穩定,而因此可以在其他的象限間自由浮動。 Murtaugh當時就是被困在這第八層象限,所以無法將自己的存在凝聚在單一的次元之內。好加在最後Elizabeth成功把他帶出了這個絕境。

– If there is countelss number of sub-layers, it’s practically impossible for two people the end up in the same layer, right?
– Yes, good observation.
– But the non-living matter can be persistant between layers.
– Yes, there are special building materials mixed with just a hint of karmic water. This technique was discovered during the Fourth Dynasty.
– Naturally. The architects of the Plan…
– So you can imagine how a non-living sentient organism, powered by the super-intelligence of Shiva was able to embrace all layers at once. The Submachine is now living in five dimentions.

– 如果世上有無限多層sub-layer的話,那理論上兩個人出現在同一層內的機率幾乎是不可能,沒錯吧?
– 對,觀察力不錯。
– 但那些無生命的物質卻能持續橫跨在層與層之間。
– 是的,他們在一些特殊的建材中混進了少量的業力水,這個技術大約在第四王朝時被發現。
– 可想而知,那個計畫的建築師們…
– 所以你就能想像一個無生命的感知有機體,在經過濕婆的超智慧加持後,如何能夠同時佇立於所有象限之中了。如今的Submachine已生活在五維的世界之中。

– You can’t fix everything, just let it go. Submachine doesn’t need your help. It’s fine as it is.
– You know you’re taking away my life’s goal, right?
– We’ll find you a new one, don’t worry. You were part of this organism, I admit, a crucial one, but just a part nonetheless. You can’t think of yourself any bit higher. That would be arrogant, and’t that’s not you anymore.
– What would I do without you, my dear…

– 你不可能修復每一樣事物,就讓它去吧。Submachine不需要你的幫忙,它可以自己過得很好。
– 妳知道自己在奪走我的人生目標,對吧?
– 我們會幫你找到個新的,別擔心。你是我們這個大家庭的一份子,而且我承認,是很重要的那部分,但你也就只是其中之一,不應該把自己想的太過重要。這樣不僅很自大,而且也就不再是原本的你了。
– 如果沒有妳我該怎麼辦啊,親愛的…

– So how did he escape after all?
– Through the lighthouse, naturally. how else?…

– 所以他到底是怎麼逃脫的呢?
– 透過燈塔,當然啦,要不然呢?…

– I’ll come back to the shrine every 32 years. I promise, anyone who still listens to this frequency.


Light crown converter needed to connect light crown to the fuse outlet.


Dear Elizabeth!
I’am so close! You won’t believe how much progress I’ve done in last… How long was it?… 3.5 years? My lord, it feels good to be focused again.
I know this sounds stupid, but as a time traveller I have to say it feels good to see time run by you.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. My theory of focused karma was correct! I have scientific evidence at my laboratory. Once it doesn’t penetrate any two given layers creating a portal – it actually restores previously destroyed sub-molecular order.
Now, all I need is some kind of… portable karma stabiliser, and I’m good to go!
Just imagine – stable and secure karmic portals. Would you believe that?

總之,回到話題上。我關於集中業力的理論是正確的!我的研究室裡有科學證據。只要在創造傳送門時它沒有穿透任兩層 – 它就可以恢復先前摧毀掉的sub-分子排列順序。
想像一下 – 穩定而安全的業力傳送門。妳能相信嗎?

Dear Murtaugh.
That’s great news. Please remember one thing. Submachine didn’t wait for this discovery, it moved on and is healing itself, as any normal organism would. Did you see the power generator in the oldest sections of the root? The one destroyed by your portal long time ago? Now it’s being rebuilt by five karmic veins. If you haven’t seen it – please do, it’s a remarkable proof that Submachine became sentient being.

真是個好消息。不過請記得一件事,Submachine並沒有在等待這項發現,它繼續成長並努力修復它自己,就像任何生命體會做的。你看過根源中最古老的區域裡那台發電機了嗎?很久以前被你的傳送門破壞掉那台?它現在已經被五道業力流重建了。如果你還沒看過的話 – 請去看一眼,這足以證實Submachine已經成為了一個有感知能力的存在。

– Wait, Submachine was already sentient that early?
– Of course. The mainframe of Submachine became conscious once it’s processing power surpassed that of the human brain. They asked the question, remember? And Shiva answered. Submachine was sentient for at least 32 days before that.
– Now I understand. Shiva is the brain, Submachine is the body. It’s all so clear now.

– 等等,Submachine那麼早就有感知功能了?
– 當然了。Submachine的主機在它的處理能力凌駕人腦的那一刻,就已經存在知覺了。它們問了那個問題,記得嗎?濕婆回答了。而Submachine至少在那之前32天就已經獲得了感知的能力。
– 現在我懂了。濕婆就像是大腦,而Submachine則作為身體存在。現在一切都明瞭了。

– But how is it possible, that she knew the Submachine was sentient and reasoning? That’s like Lumiere brothers talking about retina cinema of the early 21st century.
– Don’t forget, that’s Elizabeth you’re talking about. Right?
– … Right…

– 但這怎麼可能,她怎麼可能這麼早就知道Submachine是理性而且有感知的?這就好像盧米埃兄弟在討論21世紀初的Retina電影院一樣。
– 別忘了,我們在說的可是Elizabeth,對吧?
– …對…

– I think you’re ready to enter the Submachine. You know more than enough and will probably find out more on your journey. Remember, this can destroy or transform you. But you will not return the same man. May the wisdom of Thoth guide you.
– Thank you, holy usher. I will not fail you.
– Don’t fail yourself, my young disciple.

– 我想你已經準備好要進入Submachine了。你知道的東西已經綽綽有餘,而且還可能在這趟旅途中學到更多。記住,這可能會摧毀你、改變你,但當你歸來,你將不再是原本的自己。願托特的智慧指引你的道路。
– 感謝你,神聖的引導人,我不會讓你失望的。
– 重點是別讓自己失望,我年輕的門徒啊。

– How will you know that they’re coming?
– I’ll keep my eye on the lighthouse. Once the lamp goes off, they’ll be coming.
– But that lamp is behind steel curtains…
– Don’t worry. I’ll know once it’s off.

– 你要怎麼知道他們來了?
– 我會隨時注意著燈塔,一旦燈熄滅,就代表他們的到來。
– 但那盞燈已經被鐵帳擋住…
– 別擔心,它一熄滅我就會知道。

Are we alone in the Submachine? Well, yes, but you can always feel somebody right beside you, doing the same things you do in the submachine. Just one sub-layer away. That’s comforting, isn’t it?


What happened to sunshine_bunnygirl_17? Don’t worry, I took care of her. I transported her to the first layer, she’s taking care of Einstein when I’m not around.


Will I ever come back to the Submachine? Well, of course. There are more people still trapped there, my mission is to navigate the sub-layer infinity to find them and bring them home.


Is Submachine real? Or just a dream? Well, if Submachine is only a dream, I still haven’t woken up from it. I mean, as fas as I know, it’s real, all of it.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for playing Submachine, for finding all secrets and sticking around for as long as you did. For me this journey lasted 10 years, I know that for some fo you too. Thank you and see you in the next game!
Mateusz Skutnik


Mateusz Skutnik

