Covert Front 2, video solution

Covert Front; episode 2: station on the horizon

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genre: point and click, escape, puzzle | release date: October 17th 2007

screen size: 550px/420px | data size: 4.21 Mb

english solution | solución en español | la solution francaise

hungarian solution | video walkthrough

The story of secret agent Kara and disappearance of general Karl von Toten continues…

Covert Front 2: english solution

Banishing the darkness:

If you sit around for a few seconds, it will tell you what to do: “I have to light a match.” Click the matches, then the middle of the screen. Do this again whenever the match goes out, you’ve got an infinite supply.

Permanent light:

From the start, walk forward five screens, until you’re facing a brick wall.

There are three stones here that you need to push into the wall.

Once you’ve done that, turn left.

Pull the switch.

It’s the little ball on the right side of the box, directly beneath the left edge of the lamp.

Lifting the grating:

The next thing you need to do is lift the grating that’s keeping you from getting into a new room.

There’s a switch you need to pull.

Go to the room just before you stare at the brick wall. Turn left twice, follow the path to the end.

Getting power to the new rooms:

In the bottom left room of the new area, there’s a fuse box, but you can’t get into it.

Looks like you need a screwdriver.

Grab the one from the toolbox and use it on all four screws.

written by funnyMan, found on;

Once you’re into the box, you’ll notice that there are some things missing in here. One large object on the left, three smaller ones at bottom.

The large object is a fuse.

You can get it by backing out to the main sewer room and following the left path.

It’s sitting on the floor just inside the grate.

The three small objects are resistors. Each one only fits one of the three spots.

Resistor one is sitting on top of the box that you used to turn on the lights.

Resistor three is also nearby. Back up two screens, turn left, then right. Follow the path one more screen, and the resistor is laying on the ground between a couple of cylinders.

Resistor two is missing, you’ll have to improvise.

Use the wire from the upper left room of the new complex. It’s the red object sitting on the right hand table, between the mugs.

Once you’ve got all the pieces in place, just pull the switch.

Sending a message:

You’ll need a cable to connect with.

It’s in the lower right room of the complex, hanging on the bookshelf at right.

Enter the upper left room.

You’ll have to alter the machine a bit.

Zoom in on the plate in the lower left-corner of the machine just right of center. Unscrew it with your screwdriver and plug in the cable.

Getting into the vault:

The vault is in the new complex, straight ahead then right. You need to use the keypad to unlock it.

Once you’ve sent the message, notice anything new in the communication room?

Hit the button on the machine at lower left, read the code it prints (changes each game).

The keypad is a bit tricky, because it’s not normal.

The buttons are:




Movie reels:

There are three.

One is at the right hand side of the vault.

Another is in the small machine just left of center in the room opposite the vault. Press the green button to retrieve it.

For the last one, back out to the main sewer room and go forwards twice. It’s sitting on the floor next to the staircase.

Getting out:

Watch the movie reels on the large machine at right opposite the vault. Insert them in the top, then click the black area to watch.

Reel 3 is the important one.

Just before the end, we see someone walk into the vault. Notice anything?

Set the dials on that wall like they are in the video. To get to the exit, return to the main sewer area, go straight twice, turn right, enter the elevator, turn right, and press the button. Don’t forget to grab the movie reel from the machine first!

From here it’s easy:

Just hand all your objects through the car window, take the card, and look at it. You win!

Don’t forget to stop and read the various papers lying around, they help set the atmosphere and explain some of the miscellaneous unusable objects we’ve seen.

written by Alex

Covert Front 2: solucion en espanol

Dentro del tunel oscuro.

1. Click en la caja de fosforos para encender uno y poder ver.  NOTA: si no te das prisa el fosforo se apaga, pero no importa, los fosforos nunca se acaban, jeje.

2. Click dos veces al frente para avanzar.

3. Click dos veces al frente para subir las escaleras.

4. Click una vez para avanzar.

5. Estas frente a una pared de ladrillos con cables debajo. Debes empujar 3 ladrillos q sobresalen.

6. Click a la izq. para activar el generador de la luz. Toma la resistencia #1 q esta sobre el. Retrocede dos veces

7. Click en la entrada de la izq., aqui encontraras dos entradas mas. Si miras la pared frente a ti, veras la imagen del objeto desconocido q tienes en tu inventario.

8. Toma el pasillo de la izq. y ve al fondo. a la derecha

9. Activa el generador frente a ti. Este generador abre una puerta en el desagüe. Retrocede y toma el pasillo de la derecha.

10. En el suelo junto a los tanques encontraas la resistencia #3. Retrocede hasta el pie de las escaleras.

11. Click a la derecha para entrar al desagüe (tunel de ladrillos rojo y entrada circular)

12. Click dos veces para avanzar. Frente a ti veras dos tuneles.

13. Entra por el tunel de la izq. para encontrar el fusible al final del tunel. Retrocede.

14. Entra por el tunel frente a ti para encontrar  el rollo de pelicula #2 al final del tunel y una puerta cerrada. Retrocede.

15. Click a la derecha. Hay una hoja de papel en el suelo sobre el agua, puedes chekearla. Entra por la puerta abierta, veras un pasillo y otra hoja de papel en el suelo puedes leerla.

16. Click dos veces al frente para avanzar. Estas frente a un escritorio. Hay 5 entradas a tu alrededor: Dos entradas a la derecha, (dormitorio y cocina) dos entradas a tu izquierda (cuarto de limpieza y centro de control) y una entrada frente a ti.

17. Click en el escritorio, veras un mapa de la casa.

18. Click en la hoja del piso, es una foto tuya mientras estabas en la casa.

19. Click en la hoja de papel en la pared, es una carta del profesor.

20. DORMITORIO hayaras un cable, y un folder con 3 hojas de papel q puedes leer.

21. COCINA hayaras un trozo de alambre rojo.

22. CUARTO DE LIMPIEZA  hayaras un destornillador. usalo en la caja gris q esta adherida a la pared. coloca la resistencia #1 y la #3 en la caja gris, y el trozo de cable rojo en el lugar correspondiente a la resistencia #2. coloca el fusible en la caja gris. hala la palanca para activar el generador.

23. CENTRO DE CONTROL veras una hoja en el piso, chekala, es la contrasena para la semana 17. NOTA:segun el juego estamos en la semana 18. Sobre la mesa, haz click en el cuadrito de la maq. llena de cables, veras esto sobre la tapa “tr-p-bl”. Usa el destornillador para quitar la tapa y colocar el cable de tu inventario. Espera q Kara envie un telegrama informando sobre la mision. Veras una pequena luz parpadear en la maquina de la izquierda. Presiona el boton junto a esta para recibir la clave de la semana 18 (cambia con cada juego)

24. En la 5ta entrada (la entrada tras el escritorio con el mapa); veras en la pared 5 circulos, necesitas colocarlos de manera correcta para poder abrir la puerta cerrada q viste en uno de los tuneles del desagüe. Veras tambien una puerta a tu derecha y una entrada a tu izq (sala de proyeccion).

25. Coloca la contrasena recibida en el panel de la derecha para abrir la puerta. Dentro encontraras el rollo de pelicula #3.

26. SALA DE PROYECCION o control de camaras, veras la ubicacion de todas las camaras dentro de la casa. El rollo de pelicula #1 esta al fondo. Presiona el boton verde bajo ella para liberarla. En el proyector (la maq. a tu derecha) podras colocar y ver los 3 rollos de pelicula de tu inventario. NOTA: la clave para los 4 circulos de la pared q abre la puerta del tunel del desagüe está en el rollo de pelicula #3. SOLUCION: (de izq. a derecha) 1.sur-este 2.oeste 3.nor-oeste 4.nor-este.

27. Rectrocede hasta llegar a la puerta q acabas de abrir; es un elevador. Entra y aprieta el boton para subir. NOTA: debes llevar contigo los 3 rollos de pelicula o no podras usar el elevador.

28. Un auto se detendrá frente a ti. Alguien desde dentro te pedira todas las evidencias q hayas recolectado. Entregale todo lo q traes en el inventario y el te dará una nota. Lee la nota.


Covert Front 2: la solution francaise

– Craquer une allumette et avancer dans le tunnel, aller toujours tout droit jusqu’à arriver à un couloir avec deux tuyaux verts au sol. Tourner au bout à gauche et appuyer sur les trois pierres qui dépassent du mur. Continuer à gauche, ramasser la résistance sur le boîtier et baisser l’interrupteur pour rétablir la lumière.

– Revenir deux fois en arrière et prendre le couloir sous l’arche à gauche. A l’intersection, tourner à droite et suivre le couloir, ramasser la résistance au sol. Revenir à l’intersection, prendre à gauche. Suivre le couloir jusqu’au bout et abaisser le levier.

– Revenir en arrière presque jusqu’au début et descendre dans le tunnel en briques rouges à droite. Suivre le tunnel jusqu’à l’intersection. Prendre le tunnel de gauche et ramasser le fusible au bout vers la grille. Revenir à l’intersection et prendre le tunnel en face, ramasser la bobine de film au bas des marches. Revenir à l’intersection et aller à droite, entrer dans le nouveau tunnel et suivre le couloir jusqu’à déboucher dans une pièce.

– Entrer dans la première pièce à gauche et fouiller la boite à outils pour trouver un tournevis. Utiliser le tournevis pour dévisser le boîtier au mur, placer les deux résistances et le fusible. Ressortir et aller dans la première pièce à droite, ramasser les câbles de couleur. Aller à la deuxième pièce à droite et prendre le fil rouge sur la table. Revenir à la première pièce à gauche et placer le fil rouge à la place de la résistance manquante, pousser la manette. Aller à la deuxième pièce de gauche, dévisser la petite plaque à droite de la machine à écrire, utiliser les câbles de couleur pour transmettre son rapport (cliquer sur « send »). Cliquer sur le bouton de la machine collée au mur de gauche et noter le code qui sort.

– Revenir dans la pièce centrale et aller tout droit. Cliquer sur le digicode à droite vers la porte et entrer le code (attention les boutons ne sont pas dans l’ordre !). Passer la porte et prendre la bobine de film sur l’étagère. Revenir en arrière et aller dans le couloir de gauche. Appuyer sur le bouton vert de la machine du fond et prendre la dernière bobine. Placer les bobines une par une dans le projecteur à droite et regarder les films. A la fin du film 3, bien noter la disposition des roues sur le mur derrière l’homme.

– Revenir en arrière et placer les quatre roues sur le mur comme dans le dernier film. Si la combinaison est bonne on voit la porte d’ascenseur s’ouvrir. Revenir à la pièce où se trouvait la première bobine de film, tourner à droite et entrer dans l’ascenseur. Cliquer sur la paroi à droite et appuyer sur le bouton.

– Transmettre tous les objets de l’inventaire à l’homme dans la voiture et prendre la carte, lire la carte. A suivre …

written by Lambda

what I’m currently working on…

.. well it’s not a secret that I’m working on Covert Front 2. And that it’s almost ready. But I STILL don’t know the release date. On a special request I’m publishing two more screens from the upcoming episode. So enjoy.



Covert Front episode 1; video walkthrough

new stats record

Today mochibot counted that there were 294,558 players of Covert Front episode 1 on August the 2nd. That’s well over quarter of a million in a single day. I’m impressed, Karol is impressed, we want to thank You and assure You that we’re working on the second episode. Need a proof? Take a look:


Q&A about the Covert Front

Ok, so now as the game hit the net and we got a huge response from the players, there are few main big questions that appear in almost every comment that need to be answered:

Q: Where was the code for opening the dining room clock?

A: It wasn’t too hard to find. ArcadeTown wanted this game to be slightly less difficult than the Submachine series, so it is. Look closely at the paintings in the main hall. There it is.

Q: Why isn’t the game finished?

A: Well, it IS finished, since it’s just an “episode 1” as clearly stated in the title of the game. You got the order to search the house, collect the evidence and escape. That was all acomplished in this episode.

Q: When is the next part coming out?

A: I can’t give you any specific date. But – Karol is already finishing the story for the second episode. The engine is ready, developing an episode with all graphics takes about a month. So go figure the date for yourself. ;)

Q: How many episodes are there going to be?

A: We have stories prepared for four episodes (prepared meaning – we have a concept of what’s going to happen, they’re not yet written though). That’s when the whole von Toten story will end. After that we’ll see if there is a pressure to keep this going on on different missions, or maybe we’ll come up with something completely different and new.

Covert Front; episode 1: all quiet on the covert front

play this game

genre: point and click, escape, puzzle | release date: July 18th 2007

screen size: 550px/420px | data size: 3.71 Mb


walkthrough | la solution francaise | solución en español

polska solucja | video walkthrough | hungarian solution


>> july 19th update: fixed the “menu bug” and other small glitches <<

In Covert Front you are a top secret agent code-named Kara in an alternate history version of World War I. Assigned to infiltrate the mansion of a notorious scientist, Karl von Toten, you must discover the incredible secrets that lie within and escape with your life.

But first, you must figure out how to get through the front door! Covert Front is a point-and-click adventure game that will transport you to the center of an espionage-filled world.

You are a spy, and one of the best – so make sure you pay attention to details! It’s the the little things that can spell the difference between life and death.

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